Chris Brown...an idol amongst the youth...a representative of fame and popularity....What happened?
Apparently according to news reports Chris Brown turned himself over the Los Angeles Police Department. He was charged with assaulting and making criminal threats against his girlfriend, R & B Singer Rihanna...First of all...How can you hit a woman? What kind of "men" do that?Thats just not on...and secondly how can you hit Rihanna? I mean cmon shes a babe! I dont know if Chris Brown will survive jail... I mean even though hes feeling all superhuman it just takes one drop of the soap to bring u back to the cold world....
Shame guy....expected way more
For the skinny go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Pu9ax-ecuo&feature=related
Apparently according to news reports Chris Brown turned himself over the Los Angeles Police Department. He was charged with assaulting and making criminal threats against his girlfriend, R & B Singer Rihanna...First of all...How can you hit a woman? What kind of "men" do that?Thats just not on...and secondly how can you hit Rihanna? I mean cmon shes a babe! I dont know if Chris Brown will survive jail... I mean even though hes feeling all superhuman it just takes one drop of the soap to bring u back to the cold world....
Shame guy....expected way more
For the skinny go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Pu9ax-ecuo&feature=related
shame guys we should'nt be to hard on the guy. How would you react if you heard your girlfriend gave you a std. Ja i know it gives him no right no lay his hands on a lady but still, she asked for it.
The hit could'nt have been that hard because the fool took him back. As a public figure she should realise that what ever she does will have an influence on some youngster's life. What are they to think now? thats it's ok for men to hit women? Stand up for yourself Rihanna, you owe it to yourself
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